help | 2 Coligo DESKTOP | User interface | Chat | Single Chats
Single Chats
In a single chat, you exchange messages with one participant.
When you receive a chat message, you will get a notification.
To start a single chat 
1 Click on .
2 In the search bar, enter the name of the contact you want to start a chat with.
3 Click on the respective Contact.
*The chat window opens.
4 Enter your message in the message box.
5 Click on .
*Your message is sent to the respective contact.
To start a call from a single chat  
1 Click on .
*The chat participant is called.
To expand the options for a Single Chat 
1 Move the mouse over a chat.
2 Click on .
*The options for the chat will open.
3 Click an icon to perform an action.
*Click on to call the subscriber.
*Click on to send an invitation to Coligo MEETINGS.
*Click on to open the chat.
*Click to delete the chat.
*Click on to pin the chat or on to unpin the chat.
*Click on to mute the chat or on to unmute and receive notifications in this chat.
Last modified date: 09.25.2023